BV hosted and conducted a virtual PACS demonstration across the human, animal and veterinary sectors in Nigeria. The demo included + 60 participants from the Nigerian partners, DTRA and BV.
This was the largest PACS demonstration conducted for institutes representing: Federal Ministry of Health, Lagos State, Medical Center Diagnostic Labs, Medical Lab Science Council of Nigeria, Nigerian Institute for Medical Research, National Institute for Veterinary Research, State Diagnostic Labs, Veterinary Teaching Hospital Laboratory, Veterinary Council of Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Agriculture.
The Nigerian partners were highly impressed with all of PACS features and benefits and have keen interest to implement PACS as soon as possible.
The Nigerian partners believe PACS would be a great fit for the laboratories across the country and have begun requesting engagement next steps with CM LCDR Jack Sieglinger.
BV looks forward to implementing PACS to the second BTRP country in West Africa.